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Game brief

  1. The art of convincing that mugs refer to Manhattan. 
  2. Justifying why cars and wheel have nothing to do with each other.

If this doesn't make sense, then you should play Konek to find out what it means. 

Pit you and your friend against each other to see which one of you is the quicker thinker. 


This is a beta version of our game. Our end goal is to make this an online multiplayer game where you compete in teams and take turns inputting one word at a time. 


Konek Github

Install instructions


Requirements: Have node and npm installed


  1. Pull this repository ( onto your local machine
  2. cd to the dir 'Unijam' on your machine and in your terminal, type:
npm init
npm install

All the dependencies in the game will be installed.


  1. To launch the server, type:
node app.js
  1. Go to localhost:3000 on your local browser and enjoy the game!

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